"I asked you Lord, you answered. A little one you gave. The hardest part I never knew, was that little one you'd take. But Lord I trust you now, I know that you are good. And Jesus I was wondering if you could...
Hug him once for me. Hold him up real close. Let him sit upon your knee and tell him all the things we'd teach him about you. Whisper in his ear, one more simple truth. Tell him that you love him...and that we love him too."
August 8, 2012
We were scheduled to be induced early that Wednesday morning. Zach spent the night with Craig's parents. We were so excited to welcome Owen into the world!! Everything went perfectly during labor and delivery. Owen was a perfect, healthy baby boy and we were soon leaving the hospital to take him home to begin his life with us and his big brother Zach! He was such as easy baby. When we had Zach, we obviously had no clue what we were doing! He was a very high-maintenance baby, which I am quick to say he is the same way up until this very day! That's always been Zach's personality. He is the wild child and Owen was my sweet, calm baby. I remember saying, "I've heard about easy babies but I had no idea they existed!" Owen slept through the night at an early age, he was always a go-with-the-flow type baby.
Fast-forward through 2012, on into 2013. We got to experience all sorts of fun things with Owen. He was growing and learning and constantly watching his big brother. We saw him learn to sit up, crawl, and start getting into everything, as every baby does! And baby Owen LOVED to eat.
Owen had become such a BIG part of our lives. With him and Zach, our lives were complete! I can't explain how much pride we had in seeing our boys start to play together. And that's something we will always cherish. We will always remember the bond these two boys shared.
Owen started walking the week of his 1st birthday. I had planned to have a small party at our house. He was sick earlier in the week and we even questioned having his party but he felt much better just in time. We had such a fun evening celebrating Owen. He had brought SO much joy into our lives!! When I watch the video of his first birthday party, you can see so many people being so close to him and watching out for him with every little move he made. Our little buddy was now a 1 year old. One thing I've learned is that I thought I loved my boys when they were born, but my love for them grows more and more each day. I've learned that with Zach, and we intended the same for Owen. Everyday is different with children because they are always learning something new, always doing something to make you smile and laugh, and that's something as parents we are so fortunate to experience. Yes our hearts were obviously filled with love and happiness when our boys were born, but it continues to grow. When I think of my boys, my heart just wants to burst! Owen's birthday party was a success. What parent doesn't expect to be able to have parties for their children every year??
That's now one of the most painful questions I have to deal with as we remember Owen on his birthday, today, August 8th. The pain that now coincides with the happy, joyful memories of Owen and his life is something I don't think we will ever be able to comprehend. All of the questions we've struggled with since last October, all of the emotions, everything has come flooding back this week all because we want him here more than anything. He should be able to have balloons and presents and grab birthday cake with his hands and stuff it all in his mouth at one time! Now we have to sing "Happy Birthday" to him on a hill, where we've shared the last 10 months with him. We plan to have a picnic with him for lunch, and bring him Mickey Mouse balloons. He loved Mickey! When he would see him on tv, he would look over at me and have the biggest smile! I will remember that precious face forever. I haven't figured out how we will explain all of this to Zach. But he knows it is Owen's birthday and I have to make sure he knows we will always celebrate it.
So today, we celebrate Owen's 2nd birthday...
Happy birthday, sweet Owen. I hope you know how much you are loved, missed, and that everyone wishes you a very happy birthday in heaven. We will fill this day with happy memories that you brought into our lives, and those memories will always remain in our hearts. Mommy, Daddy and Zach are sending big hugs and kisses to you. I can only imagine what a spunky, happy, silly boy you would be today!