Thursday, December 5, 2013

I called Owen "bunk bunk." I have no idea why. Craig would always ask, "what is a bunk?" I'd say, "HE's a bunk." I'd sing it over and over, "he's a bunk, he's a bunk." Owen loved it. We had a mommy-son connection and he would go wherever I would go. I would carry him on my hip and would always think we were on a mission. Just me and him. I bought a journal and started writing a couple of entries, the words could not come fast enough. Owen was such a precious boy that when I was writing in the journal, I realized these are things I want our family and friends to hear too. I want everyone to know how special he was. I'll add more soon...


  1. You're so brave to do this...writing helped me so much after my brother's death...I hope it does the same for you! Praying for you!

  2. Our thoughts and prayers are still with you, Catherine. You are one strong woman who can inspire us all.
